Happy Mothers Day

From our mothers to yours

The sphere of the mother may be humble; but her influence, united with the father’s, is as abiding as eternity. Next to God, the mother’s power for good is the strongest known on earth.

Program Manager Patrick with women in Chennai

Program update

Patrick from our Programs team recounts his visit to our projects in Asia. We look forward with optimism to face the development needs of the people we serve on your behalf.

Girl in SDA School

A thank you from the children in Andhra, South India

Our aim is to ensure that by 2020 all children in the village have access to quality education, as well as developing practical economic opportunities in and around neighbouring communities. See how your donation has helped this little village….

Asian Aid Logo

We have a new CEO

We are delighted to announce the appointment of businessman Paul Esau. He will be based three days a week at our head office in Wauchope and two days a week in Cooranbong to further strengthen our relationships with donors and community.