CEO – AGM and Annual Report Update

Dear Supporters,

In a pandemic, this year’s AGM was handled a little differently and because of Covid we introduced some new and exciting initiatives. For the first time, Members pre-voted prior to the AGM and had the option of doing that online through our website or via post. We created our first Covid Safe event and due to the reduced numbers, we also live streamed the event for the first time, many of these initiatives will now become part of the AGM moving forward. We have also pre-posted the Annual Report and it is also available on our website.

We invite you to watch the recorded live stream event of the AGM and see not just the financials but the impact your support is making. We also provided a Covid and food relief update. There is also a thank-you video that the children helped us prepare during lockdown.

Jacinta Tammy Joanna

We also wanted to share with you that our Board has had some recent changes and we had three members retire and we thank them for their service.

Retiring Director and former Chairman, Dr John Hammond also received a Life Member Award in recognition for his passion, commitment and dedicated service to the wellbeing and education of children in need.

When we think of John’s dedication to service, we reflect on the words in Hebrews 6:10, “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Colin John and David life membership trophies

We also thank retiring Directors Norm Carlsen and Alan Bates and recognise their willingness to serve those in need and are reminded of the verse in Proverbs 28:20, “A faithful man will abound with blessings.”   

Allan and Norman Carlsen retiring Director

David Swain was re-elected to the Board and remains Deputy Chair and Brooke Sutton has also been elected to permanently hold the role she had been casually filling.

We are also excited to welcome our three new Board Members Nadine Brodie, Hannah Clua-Saunders and Andrew Swain to the Asian Aid Board.

To read the bios of our Board of Directors, click the button below. I think we can be inspired by the broad range of expertise they have and it bodes well for the future of Asian Aid.

Annual Report 1

Our Annual Report has been published and in it, we share what work we have done in India, Nepal and Bangladesh over the past year and some stories that have inspired us along the way.

To view our Annual Report online, please click the button below.

We would also encourage you to watch the thank you video from the children, we hope it will touch you as it did our team. It is from the children to you.

We thank you for your on-going support and ask you to remember the children in your prayers.

Thank you,

Paul High

Paul Esau, CEO